Information on:

Stone Mountain Wine Cellars

Stone Mountain Wine Cellars
1615 Panther Valley Road

Open: year Round

About Us:

Wine, which we have produced in our converted apple ground cellar is added to the fruit and vegetables that we've marketed for many years through our "on the farm" Jersey Acres
Roadside Market.

While we produce some Vignoles and Cayuga wine grapes (both white), our primary acreage is planted to the NORTON variety (Vitas Aestivalis, also known by he name,Cynthiana).

Norton is a unique American blue/black grape, which can be finished dry somewhat resembling Cabernet. We also ferment some of the old standard American varieties like Concord and Niagra. Additional varietals are also offered such as Jalapeno-Apple, Blackberry, Pear and many more.

Stone Mountain Wine Cellars is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media