Information on:

W2 - Williamson Wines Geyserville

W2 - Williamson Wines Geyserville
21001 Geyserville Avenue

W2 allows us to provide the same quality tasting experience to larger groups without disrupting the more intimate tasting sessions we provide in Healdsburg. Here you and a larger group of your friends can enjoy a selection of the famous award-winning French influenced wines made by Bill Williamson.

Another opportunity for W2 is to entertain from ten to fifty of your friends, business associates or colleagues in a perfect wine and food atmosphere. We provide the venue, food, wines and wait staff. Stroll between food stations offering delicious tapas sized treats and a glass of wine paired with each food.

Each station also has an individual cheese paired with the wine of that station. Our events are designed to pleasantly promote an understanding of the interaction of wine and food and to nurture camaraderie among your guests who share the pleasures of our table. . . more . . .

W2 - Williamson Wines Geyserville is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media